Garden Blend $35
Garden Blend is made by us at our shop. It contains : Composted Leaves, Manure (Cow/Horse), Lyme, Sandy Soil
We recommend this type of dirt for plants, gardens, or flower beds.
*Price listed for 1 yard and excludes tax*
Top Soil $20
This is what we recommend for leveling yards, alleviating drainage issues, filling in holes and ruts, etc.
Pulverized Top Soil $39.50
This is ran through our trommel and screened until it is fine and loose.
*Price listed for 1 yard and excludes tax*
Sand $34
Sand is great for a number of your landscaping projects. We offer 2 types of sand.
Mason Sand - A fine graded sand that can be used as a paver base, beach sand, sandbox material, leveling agent & more
Fill Sand- Recommended for many projects that require a backfill material because it compacts into a solid mass. Often used as a base for concrete and to fill around septic tanks. Can also be used in low-lying construction sites to raise building foundations, reducing the chances of flooding and more.
*Price listed for 1 yard and excludes tax*